The Resolute Story

Back in 2017, David Reed finished his contract with the US Air Force. Being in the military, grooming standards are kind of a big deal, but he absolutely HATED shaving every day. He can't grow a beard to save his life though. He grows one of those "beards" that looks like a drowned rat. So growing one of those full and luscious beards a lot of guys do after the military was pretty much out of the question. So he still HAS to shave every day or look like a hobo.

So after years of trying different ways, he finally got fed up and birthed the Resolute Razor. It has enough rigidity to prevent razor burn and enough aggression to actually be able to cut hair. It's perfect for keeping his face baby butt smooth, and it can for you too! So whether you're shaving your face, legs or... other areas, prepare to feel silky smooth again!